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The best places around Germany

Explore the best places around Germany and find your favorite locations.

  • nature

    Former tank road

    Panzerstraße, 52372, Kreuzau, Düren, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

    This location used to be a road for tanks but now serves as a spacious area for turning. You are all...

  • motorhome

    Motorhome area

    B 421, 55483, Kellenbach, Bad Kreuznach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

    This location is ideal for those seeking a peaceful and serene environment. It is also well-suited f...

  • Camping

    Wiesenweg, 56820, Mesenich, Cochem-Zell, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

    Enjoy a family camping experience by the Moselle River. The campsite offers beautiful grassy areas s...

  • picnic

    Lichtenberg mountain, vantage point

    Mittelbacher Straße, 01896, Lichtenberg, Bautzen District, Saxony, Germany

    Lichtenberg mountain offers a great vantage point. There is a convenient parking lot located close t...

  • Camping

    Hillenseifen, 54568, Gerolstein, Vulkaneifel, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

    The campsite offers holiday homes and cabins for hikers. It has a nice view, a restaurant, a swimmin...

  • motorhome

    Motorhome area

    Am Friedhof, 07422, Bad Blankenburg, Landkreis Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, Thuringia, Germany

    The parking area has two spots for RVs. Nearby, there is an open-air swimming pool, hiking trails, a...

  • nature

    Nature place

    Zellberg, 83454, Anger, Berchtesgadener Land, Bavaria, Germany

    A serene spot near the forest, perfect for 2 large campers. Ideal for viewing small waterfalls leadi...

  • nature

    Perfect Camping Spot

    Sternwartenweg, 69117, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

    Ideal camping spot for 3-4 people at 500 meters above sea level on a secluded road. Tranquil locatio...

  • private-land

    Private land

    Blaubronn, 77876, Kappelrodeck, Ortenau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

    Camping offers stunning views on a farm located in the Black Forest. Enjoy nature and the scenic lan...