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The best places around Switzerland

Explore the best places around Switzerland and find your favorite locations.

  • picnic

    Picnic area

    Firstweg, 3818, Grindelwald, Bern, Switzerland

    For a great barbecue spot, go to the small bridge on the road. Follow the path that leads up to the ...

  • Motorhome area

    Via Valmaggina, 6676, Bignasco, Ticino, Switzerland

    There is a large official parking area at the sports field with a mobile toilet available. A sign is...

  • Private land

    Turera, 7419, Scheid, Grisons, Switzerland

    Please note that pre-registration with the farmer is required. This farmhouse sits at an elevation o...

  • nature

    Nature place

    La Sagne-Pendante, 2325, Les Planchettes, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

    This parking space offers a cozy seating area with a fireplace, table, and bench. It is located on a...

  • Camping

    Seestrasse, 3855, Brienz, Bern, Switzerland

    The property is near the lake and close to an underpass. The owner communicates in Spanish. It has e...

  • off-road

    Off road place

    Panoramaweg, 3818, Grindelwald, Bern, Switzerland

    4x4 vehicles are not essential but may help on steep, narrow roads. Larger motorhomes aren't recomme...

  • nature

    Nature place

    Haut Du Village, 2353, Les Pommerats, Jura, Switzerland

    This location by the road is rarely visited. It features a beautiful pond but does not offer any ser...

  • nature

    Nature place

    2330, 2314, La Sagne, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

    There is parking available for hiking and mountain biking. It’s a good spot for a one-night stay, th...

  • Camping

    Erschwanden, 3806, Bönigen, Bern, Switzerland

    This campground is a good spot for a one-night stay. It has limited services, and cash payments are ...