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The best places around Romania

Explore the best places around Romania and find your favorite locations.

  • nature

    Nature place

    Dj750, 517312, Gârda de Sus, Alba, Romania

    There is an available spot beside a beautiful road in Apuseni. It has very minimal traffic and lacks...

  • picnic

    Parking with a View

    Transrarău, 725100, Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Suceava, Romania

    Experience a picturesque parking spot with breathtaking views of the mountains, including Pietrele D...

  • nature

    Nature place

    Dn7a, 247750, Voineasa, Vâlcea, Romania

    The first 20 meters of the access path by the lake are difficult, but it improves afterward. It is s...

  • nature


    Dc86, 907177, Lumina, Constanța, Romania

    This location offers a pleasant and picturesque setting by the lake. It is easily accessible through...

  • camping


    Strada Latorița, 247336, Malaia, Vâlcea, Romania

    This private campsite offers a range of amenities including a sanitary house with hot water, a pavil...

  • nature

    Cincis Lake Parking

    Dj687m, 337466, Teliucu Inferior, Hunedoara, Romania

    Discover a picturesque location near Cincis Lake, perfect for a delightful overnight stay....

  • nature

    Nature place

    Dn7a, 247750, Voineasa, Vâlcea, Romania

    There are mountains to see, and there may be a risk of fire. No cars are currently passing by. There...

  • nature

    Nature place

    Dj708d, 337533, Vețel, Hunedoara, Romania

    This place is beautiful and easy to reach with a good road. However, the road ends further ahead. It...

  • nature

    Nature place

    Drum Acces Mănăstirea Slănic, 117037, Aninoasa, Argeș, Romania

    The camping spot is conveniently located near the gravel driveway. It offers a peaceful atmosphere f...